For over a decade, our organization has been a catalyst for economic growth and community transformation in Fort Wayne and Allen County. Through the collective efforts of our dedicated team, visionary board members, supportive partners, and engaged community, we’ve achieved remarkable milestones—attracting new business, creating jobs, revitalizing downtown, and fostering a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Our journey has been defined by resilience and innovation, navigating challenges and seizing opportunities with a commitment to collaboration and inclusivity. These principles have guided us in turning bold ideas into lasting impact.
As we look to the future, our mission remains clear: to drive economic prosperity and enhance the well-being of our community. Together, we will continue building a dynamic and thriving Allen County that inspires pride and opportunity for generations to come.

Mike Packnett becomes transitional board chair to guide merger of Greater Fort Wayne Chamber of Commerce and Fort Wayne-Allen County Alliance.
Mark Becker is hired as the President and CEO of the newly formed Greater Fort Wayne Inc.
GFW Inc. moves into new office space on the 8th floor of the 1st Source Center building.
GFW Inc. merger is touted as one of the community's "wins".
John Urbahns is hired as the Executive Vice President of Economic Development.
Ron Turpin becomes the Board Chair.
GFW Inc. posts a positive net cash balance.
Eric Doden is appointed President and CEO of GFW Inc.
Susan Wesner hired as CFO.
The first Inter-City Visit takes GFW Inc. and guests to Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids, MI, to learn more about their growing economic developments.
Regional Cities Initiative Presentation, GM $1.2B project.
The Target Industry Analysis is conducted.
Launch of the 'Opportunity on the Edge of Greatness' vision. This included 5 key projects over 10 years - Riverfront, Electric Works, Event Center, STEAM Park.
Allen County posts positive net migration for the first time in several years.
GFW Inc. and guests travel to Durham, NC for the second annual inter-City Visit.
Riverfront project receives greenlight to begin development.
Andrew Thomas becomes board chair.
Local funding is secured for Electric Works.
Ground-Breaking ceremony held for The Landing.
GFW Inc. and guests travel to Greenville, NC for the 2018 Inter-City Visit.
GFW Inc. wins Indiana Chamber of the Year.
The Diversity and Inclusion Task Force launches.
GFW Inc. Women's Network is launched.
John Urbahns is promoted to President and CEO of GFW Inc.
Brenda Gerber-Vincent is hired as the Chief Impact Officer
Ellen Cutter is promoted to the Chief Economic Development Officer.
GFW Inc. and guests travel to Louisville, KY for the 2019 Inter-City Visit.
GFW Inc. receives an ACCE communications award.
MadeByMe Coalition is launched.
Ground-Breaking ceremony held for the Bradley.
The Chamber Foundation is dissolved.
The Allen County Business Survey is conducted.
Beth Goldsmith becomes board chair.
Onboard Fort Wayne is launched.
GFW Inc. is a finalist for the ACCE Chamber of the Year.
GFW Inc. made adjustments to events and programs due to COVID.
1400 calls are made to members in two weeks as COVID begins to change the way we did business.
GFW Inc. provided assistance with administering the COVID Cares grant and the COVID resources hub.
GFW Inc. begins hosting webinars with Parkview to support businesses with information and knowledge during the pandemic.
GFW Inc. and guests travel to Carmel and Fishers, IN for the 2021 Intern-City Visit.
GFW Inc. is a finalist for the ACCE Chamber of the Year.
C-Suite Socials program is launched as part of Onboard Fort Wayne.
GFW Inc. staff assist in securing READI grant funds for Allen County.
The Allen County Together (ACT) Plan is implemented.
GFW Inc. hosts the first annual Economic Development Summit.
Zach Benedict becomes board chair.
GFW Inc. and guests travel to Huntsville, AL for the 2023 Inter-City Visit.
Gateways for Growth is launched.
The Intern Experience is launched to introduce Fort Wayne and Allen County to college interns.
GFW Inc. celebrates its 10-year anniversary.
GFW Inc. team works closely with local and state partners to bring Google data center site to southeast Fort Wayne.
GFW Inc. surpasses $2B in annual private investment for the first time in organizations history.
GFW Inc. continues progress toward growth and momentum in Allen County.