Making an Impression


As president of Indiana Stamp, Olivia Warner knows the importance of surrounding yourself with good people.

“It’s a lot of engineering [and] design,” she said. “That’s not me. We have some pretty brilliant minds here.”

The company has three divisions: United Rib-Type; Indiana Sign Works; and Indiana Stamp, which handles marking devices and identification, including everything from carton-marking for Fortune 500 companies to office stamps.

“We have a lot of experience in developing a specific solution to someone’s marking device need,” Warner said. “Our impressions have gone to the moon, and…out to the ocean.”

She notes that their work takes many hands to complete, and points to talented employees and a sense of community as major factors in their success.


“It’s a very supportive atmosphere,” she said. “It’s more than just a ‘hey, how are you?’ sort of thing. It’s a deep relationship that people have here.”

The familial nature of the company is more than just a metaphor. Warner is the third generation of her family to helm Indiana Stamp; the company was founded by her grandparents and her grandfather’s brother in 1947. There are also several other multiple-generation families in the 47 employees working across the 3 divisions.

Warner says that this translates into strong relationships and a network of support, and the company does what it can to further this trend. In addition to what she says is an excellent benefits package, every Thanksgiving the company provides a turkey, ham, or gift card to each employee, as a token of thanks.

The company’s sense of responsibility extends into the community, including through investment in Greater Fort Wayne Inc.


“We’ve been involved for many, many years at different levels…and we feel it’s important to be,” Warner said. “It shows your commitment to the community, and also it shows that we’re committed to the business climate in the community.”

And at the company level, the benefits can be tangible.

“One of the things we receive from Greater Fort Wayne Inc. is the knowledge that…if we don’t know the solution for x, y, z, there’s somebody down there who can point us in the right direction.”

This knowledge came in handy when the company was looking to buy a new building, and was able to access information about tax abatements through GFW Inc.

Personally, Warner said that GFW Inc.’s CEO Roundtables have been a valuable professional asset, serving as her “own personal board of directors,” in a way.

As a company with a strong history in Fort Wayne and an eye toward the future, Indiana Stamp is committed to investing in resources that help them continue in their success.

“It’s that sort of atmosphere that’s continually looking to improve…that’s the same sort of thing we’re trying to cultivate here [at Indiana Stamp], and have, I would say, fairly successfully over the years.”



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