
Supporting the Team

Turnstone’s tagline is ‘Creating Possibilities,’ which describes both the organization’s mission and its ultimate impact on the community.

Strategic Investment

The financial world is complex and often difficult to navigate. The financial service professionals at Dickmeyer Boyce can help.

“Jazz and Martinis”

For Club Soda, it’s always been about ambience–fine dining in a classy, upscale atmosphere. Since 1999, they’ve been true to these origins as one of downtown Fort Wayne’s premier fine-dining destinations.

Investor Relations

Greater Fort Wayne Inc. investors are part of something big – the continued growth of a more prosperous Fort Wayne. And the benefits of being an investor are tangible: resources, programming, and all-around support.

Accelerating Innovation

Small businesses are the lifeblood of a community. And to develop small businesses you need to equip and encourage entrepreneurs. The Northeast Indiana Innovation Center is dedicated to this crucial task.

Fort Wayne, Wine Country?

Country Heritage Winery won Farm Winery of the Year at the 2015 Indiana Winery Competition. It’s a high honor, and the owners are committed to living up to the title. This includes sharing the experience with as many people as possible.

Global Connections

In a global world, connection is key. Scott Hinderman, Executive Director of Airports for the Fort Wayne – Allen County Airport Authority, explains that this is a primary concern of the Fort Wayne International Airport.

Twist of Fate

Lori Berndt of The Olive Twist, describes Greater Fort Wayne Inc. as a “wonderful wealth of information” for the business owner.

YMCA Recognizes Fifteen Local Companies for Workplace Wellness

Fifteen local companies were recognized at the YMCA’s 7th Annual Workplace Wellness Awards, sponsored by the YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne and Greater Fort Wayne Inc. at Parkview Field on October 1, 2015. The awards, which recognize employers who create healthier workplaces for employees, are based on the National YMCA’s Community Healthy Living Index, which… Read more »

Superior Treatment

Superior Water Conditioners has been around Fort Wayne for more than 50 years. And the company, which manufactures chemical-free industrial and commercial water treatment, is looking to strengthen this long-running connection.