Greater Fort Wayne Inc.’s signature adult program, Leadership Fort Wayne (LFW), has selected 42 business and community leaders to participate in the 34th LFW class.
Maintaining Relationships
Many kids make money during the summers by mowing a neighbor’s lawn. Andrew Royer never stopped.
Selling Fort Wayne
You’ve heard it a hundred times by now: business attraction and retention is vital to regional growth. It’s as true as ever, and Greater Fort Wayne Inc. is doing something about it.
Providing Support
You might have seen them motoring around town — big green and white vans with “Mustard Seed Furniture Bank” printed in large lettering on the side.
When You Need Them The Most
Protechs Restoration shows up at some of the most challenging times in a homeowner’s life.
Leading Music Technology Retailer Expands Again
Sweetwater, the number one online retailer of music instruments and audio gear in the U.S., today announced plans to expand, creating approximately 285 new jobs by 2018. The expansions and renovations contemplated will be in addition to three expansion projects completed since June of 2014. Sweetwater expects total full-time employees to grow to more than… Read more »
“Don’t Blink”
Over the course of the past few decades, a shift has taken place when it comes to what’s important to young talent entering the workforce.
An Act of Good Faith
Bethesda Lutheran Communities is a nonprofit organization providing support services to adults with developmental disabilities. But Megan Gumbel, regional director for Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and New Jersey, doesn’t think of the people the organization supports in terms of their disabilities.
Making an Impression
As president of Indiana Stamp, Olivia Warner knows the importance of surrounding yourself with good people.
Building Connections
GFW Inc.’s expertise in economic development was vital, as the organization helped Group Delphi interact with the county council and navigate the processes of applying for tax abatements and permits.