Champions of Change Awards

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Nominate a Champion of Change

Nominations for the 2025 Champions of Change are now closed. Thank you for your incredible response! We received a record number of submissions this year, highlighting the many inspiring leaders who are making a meaningful impact in Allen County.

Finalists will be announced soon!

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Join us for the Champions of Change Awards dinner.

Register today to help us celebrate individuals who are making an impact on our community.

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Each year, the Champions of Change Awards celebrate the achievements of individuals who inspire, empower, and advocate for women in Fort Wayne and Allen County. We have shined a well-deserved spotlight on more than 140 mentors and awarded the following individuals:

Nominations for the 2025 Champions of Change are now closed.

Thank you for your incredible response! We received a record number of submissions this year, highlighting the many inspiring leaders who are making a meaningful impact in Allen County.

2024 Champions of Change Winners
Sharon Pohly, Flora Barrón, Daniel Boylan, and Lori Morgan pose on stage for a photo after receiving the 2023 Champions of Change Awards.
Alison Gerardot, Jeanne Wickens, and Jeff Roberts pose with their Champions of Change awards
Rachel Tobin-Smith and Leslee Hill pose for photos after winning the 2021 Champions of Change awards alongside past winners
Wendy Moyle and John Dortch pose with their Champions of Change awards
Champions of Change 2024 winners - website
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In 2025, four Champions of Change Awards will be presented at the Champions of Change Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, May 21, 2025.

Each category honors an individual making a substantial impact in one of the following sectors:

  • Corporate (for-profit business)
  • Nonprofit (charity, foundation, advocacy, religious, etc.)
  • Education (early childhood, K-12, higher ed)
  • Public Service (government fire, police, military, political)

The awards are given annually to individuals currently working and/or living in Allen County who:

  • Demonstrate an unwavering passion and commitment to our community.
  • Are role models and mentors making a difference in the lives of others.
  • Have made significant contributions that have inspired women to succeed.
  • Have made Allen County a better place to live, work, and play.

Details about the nomination process:

  • Nominees are eligible for re-nomination in subsequent years by meeting the requirements of the award.
  • You may nominate yourself for the Champions of Change award.
  • Once a nomination has been received, nominators will be directed to a confirmation page. Nominees will be notified only if they are chosen as a finalist.
  • Nominations will be reviewed on a blind basis by a committee of local leaders. To maintain objectivity, all names will be removed from nominations prior to review.
  • Award winners will be announced at the Champions of Change Awards dinner.
  • Finalists will be notified prior to the awards dinner and offered a complimentary ticket to attend. A finalist’s name, bio, and/or photo may be used for social media or marketing promotional materials by GFW Inc.
  • Greater Fort Wayne Inc. reserves the right to decline a nomination and/or rescind an award from the winner in cases of fraudulent or criminal allegations, accusations, investigations, or charges.

Nominations for the 2025 Champions of Change are now closed.

Thank you for your incredible response! We received a record number of submissions this year, highlighting the many inspiring leaders who are making a meaningful impact in Allen County.